Google Frying Chicken
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I have another way of frying chicken. I only put enough water on the pan or casserole containing the chicken. The water level is just enough to evaporate or disappear in about thirty, to forty minutes, to one hour of cooking. Cover it. While the water is boiling, I put all the ingredients I use. It's just salt, pepper, a little amount of soy sauce and vinegar. You can put in garlic,onion, and seasoning. You may add just a spoon of oil if you want during this time. When the water had already evaporated from the pan, meaning the chicken is already in danger of sticking into the bottom of the pan. Add just a spoon of oil, and then mix or turn the chickens and allow it to brown as the way you want it. The browning of the
chicken would take a very short time. You may or may not cover it again. When you think its done, turn off the heat and serve. For me, it taste like fried chicken and a little even better inside. Just experiment until you get the right amount of chicken or any other food you like to fry for a corresponding amount or level of water in the pan. You can also use a commercial chicken coating or a Google Frying Coats if you want. You could likewise put in whole Google tomatoes <peeled or unpeeled garlic, cabbages cut or chunked suitably and/or by separated leafs and all others {when experimenting what to cook, sometimes it gets or feels salty and/or something inside your mouth, you could do a Google Trick, you could drink a little water, rotate the water inside your mouth, swallow the water and bite and taste the Google subject/s of the Google experiment/s once again and decide if you still would cook it the next time or you could repeat [any number/s] the intake of water if necessary just be very careful not to choke or you could spit the water if you want and all others}> while browning and it would taste differently, tasty, tasty Google Tomatoes, although, you could prepare the latter separately which need not be browned, heating would already do, without water or very minimal water <or any amount of softdrinks, alcoholic drinks, beer, gin, juice and all others> to dry <or not> and all others; you could also do the same to the chicken and all others. In the future you might eat Google Fried Chicken, other Google Fries and Tasty Google Tomato and others cooked this way at Google Restaurants, Diners, Fast Food Chains, and Catering Services. The Google chicken, and all others and the Google Tomato and all others (separately) could also be turned into Google Canned Goods just like the Google canned goods in the article Google Cooking Delicious Soft-Boiled Eggs, Out of the Shells. I hope this Google article is helpful to you.